Man Dave Rowe has been hard at work travelling the world – but he had one
companion to keep him sane – Kagero’s new
book about the Fokker D.VII – part of their new “Legends of Aviation in 3D”
series – these books blend historical reference with modern profiles and 3D
rendering – click on to see what Dave thought in his review….
As an aviation enthusiast, I have always been interested in all aspects of aviation and its history, from humankind’s early attempts to take to the air in balloons to the spectacular power and complexity of the vehicles used to take humans into space, and I have often had cause to wonder whether it is a blessing or a curse that the breadth of this interest has directly translated into the range of modelling subjects which I wish to pursue. In particular, I have always been fascinated by the first employment of the aeroplane as an instrument of combat and the rapid evolution of design, innovation, manufacturing and capability that this triggered; it is therefore very welcome indeed that for the second release in their “Legends of Aviation in 3D” series, Kagero have chosen to profile the truly remarkable, Fokker D. VII.
Legends of Aviation in 3D No.2, Softcover.
Fokker D.VII - The Lethal Weapon
Text by Tomasz J. Kowalski.
3D Rendering by Marek Ryś.
ISBN: 978-83-62878-33-8
Available from the Kagero
shop directly – soon to be available with Squadron in the US as well
As an aviation enthusiast, I have always been interested in all aspects of aviation and its history, from humankind’s early attempts to take to the air in balloons to the spectacular power and complexity of the vehicles used to take humans into space, and I have often had cause to wonder whether it is a blessing or a curse that the breadth of this interest has directly translated into the range of modelling subjects which I wish to pursue. In particular, I have always been fascinated by the first employment of the aeroplane as an instrument of combat and the rapid evolution of design, innovation, manufacturing and capability that this triggered; it is therefore very welcome indeed that for the second release in their “Legends of Aviation in 3D” series, Kagero have chosen to profile the truly remarkable, Fokker D. VII.
those not familiar, the Fokker D. VII is widely regarded as the crowning
achievement of the aviation arms industry supporting the Germans and in common
with the British S.E.5a, it was arguably the air supremacy fighter of its day,
in much the same vein which nowadays is occupied by the modern day F-22. As the
book’s author takes the time to point out in the very first paragraph, so
highly was the aircraft’s capability regarded, that it was the only one
mentioned specifically by name in the Armistice’s demobilization clauses.
book is extremely well bound and printed on very high quality, heavy gauge,
paper. All printing is in sharp register, in full colour with black and white
period photographs. Whilst it is not broken into clearly delineated chapters, a
cursory study of the contents page quickly reveals that it is broadly broken
into two main parts; the first runs to 63 pages providing a detailed, written,
overview of the aircraft’s development, operators, production numbers, and
notable individuals associated with each and is punctuated by an excellent
selection of period photographs, many of which I’d not seen before. This is
followed by a further 102 pages of stunning, full colour, 3D renderings of the
aircraft, systematically deconstructed in a logical, intuitive, fashion into
its core components, and rounded out with multi-angle views of the markings of
four specific aircraft which saw service. I believe special mention should also
be made at this point of the excellent work of Kazimierz Zygadło, the series’
translator, who has performed a virtually flawless job of translating all text
into English.
book opens with a concise but extremely well researched introduction outlining
the history of the Fokker factory and its undeniably talented but nonetheless pragmatic
founder, Anthony H. G. Fokker, and details the very astute management skills
which he employed to great effect to secure contracts for the licenced
manufacture of the aircraft by subcontractors, which commercially speaking,
were rather more advantageous to Fokker. Commencing on page 6, the reader is
treated to a more detailed investigation of the aircraft’s development and
testing, with particular reference made to the core differences between the
experimental, prototype variants of the aircraft which were developed in
support of this.
pages 13 to 25 the aircraft’s combat history is studied, along with profiles of
several of its most famous pilots, and including profiles of some of those
lesser known individuals who were nonetheless associated with important
milestones in the aircraft’s combat deployment (such as the aircraft’s first
and last aerial victories). It is here that the impressive array of period
photographs make their main appearance. This is followed by a detailed listing
(ending on page 48) of all countries which operated the aircraft, whether
captured or as a provision of the Armistice conditions and it is here that some fascinating and at times surprising
facts come to light; not unexpectedly, particular attention is paid in this
section to the D. VII’s service with Poland.
48 and 50 deal with the colours and markings typically found and pleasingly,
the author takes the time to point out that these were invariably altered at
individual unit level and acknowledges that this potentially contentious issue
warrants a separate publication in itself. This is followed by a two page overview
of the aircraft’s construction, the materials and manufacturing techniques
employed in its assembly, and technical data pertaining to its armament, power
plant and performance. Pages 53 and 54 include a bibliography and Endnotes
relating to the above. Finally, the text is rounded out by three appendixes;
the first, not unexpectedly, is a biography of Anthony Fokker but pleasingly,
the second is devoted to a biography of Reinhold Platz, the brilliant, and oft
overlooked chief constructor who succeeded Martin Kreuzer following his death
at the controls of a Fokker Dr. I. A specialist welder who was self-taught and
had a natural intuition concerning all matters aeronautical, Platz was
instrumental in the development of Fokker’s two most iconic aircraft and was
deemed sufficiently important by Anthony Fokker that he chose to flee Germany
with him at the War’s end. However, true to previous form, Fokker failed to
credit Platz’s invaluable contribution to the company’s success; it is
therefore appropriate that the author has identified and sought to redress this
here. Appendix three details paint schemes, notable aerial victories and
interestingly, includes a table of pilots who scored 10 or more confirmed
victories against the D. VII. This is
followed by four pages of black and white orthogonal elevations of the D.VII
drawn in 1/72nd scale (including production variations), with
detailed elevations of the wing’s rib and spar arrangement drawn in 1/24th
mentioned previously, the remaining two thirds of the book are devoted to the
incredible 3D renderings of Marek Ryś. For those not familiar with Mr Ryś’
work, each and every one of these are true works of art. I have always had the
greatest respect for 3D modellers. Like those of us working in the medium of
styrene, or wood, metal and tissue, 3D renderers are confronted with all of the
same complexities, trials and tribulations associated with researching their
subject matter, finding a program and computer system capable of rendering,
texturizing, colouring and weathering it to their exacting standards, and are
no strangers to the frustrations of getting part way through a project only to
have a newer and better program hit the market. One look at the near
photographic quality of Mr Ryś’ renderings and the attention he has paid to
such fine details as scratches on the surface of sheet metal work, evidence of
the lathe cutter’s path, or imperfections on the surface of the Spandau’s
bluing, and you will be convinced that Mr Ryś is a true master of his craft.
renderings follow a logical pattern, starting with four, full page, oblique
views of the aircraft (sans fabric covering), followed by a further five, full
page orthogonal elevations of the aircraft, again in uncovered state. The
aircraft is then systematically de-constructed into its component parts,
starting first with several full page views showing the components, their
relative location in relation to one another and then progressing to dedicated
views (both oblique and then orthogonal) of each component, its related
subsystems, and the manner in which these are fastened to one another, with
applicable reference notes at each point.
This process works exceptionally well
as a means of presenting the whole, in much the same way that one associates
with a modern aircraft walk around and is employed in turn for the D.VII’s
engine, radiator, fuel tank, cockpit, seat, instrument console, compass, yoke,
rudder, throttle and control cables. This is followed in turn by the wings, tubular
metal fuselage, landing gear struts, horizontal and vertical stabilizers,
control surfaces, internal bracing, landing gear, suspension systems, armament,
and ammunition. In short, no aspect of the aircraft or any of its sub-assemblies
is forgotten, and as the majority of these are large and rendered in exquisite
detail on their own page, they serve as a perfect reference for the modeller.
Finally, the remaining 40 pages are rounded out by a collection of multi-view
renderings of three German and one Polish example of the aircraft, along with a
sample page of both the four and five colour lozenge camouflage patterns, as
found on both the upper and lower surfaces of the aircraft.
conclusion, I believe the book is an indispensable reference for anyone
interested in the design philosophies behind the development and operational
employment of World War I aircraft and in particular, for anyone building any
of the excellent kits available from Eduard, Roden or Wingnut Wings, just to
name a few. Both the book and the series from which it comes serve to
consolidate Kagero’s reputation as a publisher of reference works of the
highest quality and I greatly look forward to future releases in the “Legends
of Aviation in 3D” series.
David Rowe
are due to Kagero
for the review sample.