New from Bronco is their latest paper panzer Versuchsflakwagon 8.8cm Flak. 41Auf Sonderfahrgestell (Pz.Sf1.IVc) – a mouthful in anyone’s language the kit though looks a lot more appetising than the name sounds…

Bronco models
Versuchsflakwagon 8.8cm Flak. 41Auf Sonderfahrgestell (Pz.Sf1.IVc)
Kit: CB35062
A tank that never got past the prototype phase but an interesting one – this panzer IV chassis mounted an 88mm FlaK cannon whilst the sides of the vehicle could open up to form a large platform for the gunners to do their work. Never into production could this be called a paper panzer indeed.

The kit from bronco features workable tracks, torsion bar suspension and a recoiling gun, like that or not, the kit features side walls that open and close like the real version and an extensive PE set to recreate some very fine detail. This looks to be a very intricate kit…
And all closed up - lots of different possibilities!
Till we get more information you can always check out Bronco’s Website for more info and their distributors