Young Miniatures
often provides us with very lovely figure busts that are well appreciated by
the modelling public – but I think that this one here – of a member of the “Flying
Tigers” AVG unit from WWII - that will prove a must buy for many modellers in
May …

Scale: 1/10th Scale
Material: Resin
Weight: 180g
Parts: 5
Sculpted & Painted by Young B Song
The “Flying Tigers was a volunteer unit of American ex-military
and civilian pilots who flew to help the Chinese Air Force from the 21st
of December in 1941– to late 1942. At a time when America was only getting bad
news from the battle in the Pacific these airmen were flying, fighting and
beating the formerly all-conquering Japanese air forces These men were an
interesting and rather irregular group of individuals that made one of the best
fighting units of the war. They flew their colourful shark nosed P-40’s that
became synonymous with that aircraft (and many other imitators) as well as
being feared by the Japanese.
These men were often based in remote parts of China and to
help them to return to safety over friendly and enemy territory they had a “Blood
Chit” on the back of their jackets, this read in Chinese "This foreign person has come to China to help in the war effort.
Soldiers and civilians, one and all, should rescue and protect him"
This bust is comprised of five parts of resin that make up
this rugged AVG pilot. You can see on the bust (which was sculpted and painted
by Young B Song) the excellent detail in the facial features and jacket
details. Things like the pistol holster and the patches are an excellent bit of
detail that just elevates this kit above many others in it’s class.
This new figure is
available from Young
Miniatures Distributors