September 2013 Releases from Add-On Parts
Factory Interior
Factory Interior

1:35 35-0078
Contains 3 ceramic and 5 resin parts
size: 28 x 28 x 20 cm
This very large three slabs of ceramic is cast to look like
the corner of a brick walled garage with a tall door which holds this late war
massive paper panzer pretty well.

There are resin parts on offer here as well – a large heavy door
to the garage and a power/fuse box with a wide shuttered window are in resin as
well as some protrusions to break up the flat wall are also included in resin.
This will be really popular.

1:35 35-0077
contains a total of 11 resin gas bottles of 5 different types
Well what to put in your new garage? What about some propane?
Well Add-on gives us eleven gas bottles for welding/cutting up your tank in
your new garage. There are five different shapes of bottle here for variation
with covers on them as well as their regulators.
1:35 35-0064
Contains 4 resin Panzerfausts and 7 resin crates
Like it says on the tin – you will have your own little
world beating arsenal with this lot which included the boxes for you to store
them in – open or closed

1:35 35-0037-A
Contains 4 resin Panzerfausts and 7 resin crates
Another set of four Panzerfausts in seven crates - these
resin kits detail up nicely and would make a great accessory anywhere.

1:87 87-0003 -
size: 6 x 9 x 13 cm
All of you small scale guys need not be discouraged as
Add-on haven’t forgotten you this month - this set in 87th scale contains 3
ceramic walls, 1 resin windows, 1 resin toilet, 1 resin rooftop, 1 lasercut
window, 1 laser cut window-glass. Quite a nice little set which – as you can
see – they have made a nice diorama building out of in this a smaller than
usual and challenging size. Nice to see some variety in modelling!

This is all available
thru Add-On Parts’ webstore as of