1 Grey sprue of 66 parts
5 figures
Available from Masterbox’s distributors
This kit
consists of 5 figures in 35th scale - and represents a group of
fierce Soviet Marines in the attack. These guys were called the “black
Death” by the Germans who faced them because of their dark uniforms and the
mortality for their enemies they often brought. These five figures are seen in full
flight in some (again) really excellent artwork from MasterBox.
This is a third in the series of kits of these marines – the
second is actually being released next month and is just as dynamic.
These figures match with German sets of these infantrymen in mortal hand to
hand combat that could be made into an amazing and not to mentioned large
diorama. The desperate look of
ferocity is conveyed through these figures in their dynamic and realistic
poses. These men look like they are running for their lives at the enemy.
The kit is constructed in a “multipose configuration” which
means that a simple change of bodies and legs of the figures makes it possible
to assemble the figures in a different way so the soldiers don’t always look
the same. You can therefore combine two kits from MasterBox - 35152 “Soviet
Marines and German Infantry, Hand-to-hand Combat, 1941-1942. Eastern Front
Battle Series, Kit No. 2” and our future kit 35153 “Soviet Marines, Attack,
1941-1942. Eastern Front Battle Series, Kit No. 3” make up a story whole with
35102 "German Infantry Defence, Eastern Front Battle Series, Kit No.
1" kit that makes it possible to make both a single big diorama and
separate vignettes.
you have the box with great art on the front – pictures of the soldiers
individually on the back with pointers showing both how to put these figures
together but also the colours recommended. These are given in both Vallejo and
Lifecolour – both of which are popular but maybe some other colour makers could
be included?
There is a
sprue map as there are no numbers on the plastic. These are pointed out on each
figure showing you any variations you can use as well. The handy thing here is
all of each soldier’s parts are close together on the sprue in the one section.
The figures
themselves – well they look pretty nice on the sprue – no real flash to be
carved off and the detail on each is very good – smaller stars on caps,
insignias on sleeves are clear and will look just that little better when
picked up with a deft paint job. I won’t subject you to that here this review
but I will make them up to show you how they go together. I will go thru them
one by one now.
The Marine with flat sailor’s cap and rifle with bayonet

– This
marine has a traditional "beskozirka"
peakless sailor’s cap with two little flaps of ribbon billowing in the wind. He
carries a nicely sculpted 7,62 mm Tokarev SVT-40 rifle in his hands with a
bandoleer of ammo for said rifle around his chest.
You can see
clearly the face of the soldier with his open mouth in full voice as he charges
head down bum up at the Germans. Equipment wise he carries a water bottle, a
grenade pouch on his left rear hip, a bayonet, an extra square ammo pouch on
his hip and an entrenching tool with a cloth “boot” on it. His coat has emblems
of the soviet marines on his sleeves and on his sailor’s hat.
He went
together very well but his rifle needs some work to sit in both of his arms properly
as you could see mine was a bit raised in his hands – a little work with him
will I think solve this but I was pressed for time and did not want to break
The charging Marine with a steel helmet and
rifle in right arm:

Again this soldier
carries a rifle with bandoleers of ammo draped around his torso. His long boots
meet with his trousers and long tunic with unfortunately this time isn’t flapping
like the ribbon on his comrade’s sailor cap.
His steel
helmet sits at a jaunty angle on his head and the marine’s face is very well
sculpted and that brings him to life. He went together very well with no gaps
like his brothers here in this box.
The Soldier with the machine gun:

about his figure is hi bandaged head with his hair poking out of the sides. This
figure impressed me as well
The Officer:
This is the multipose figure of the set – he has
the choice of a long barreled pistol or a revolver with a matching holster for
each choice on his hip. These pistols are of course moulded into his hand which
he is pointing aloft as he charges forward with his men.
In full officer’s garb including peaked cap and a map pack on his left hip and
binoculars on his chest - which may be a poor choice in a charge but the straps
are moulded on the torso so either cut off or embrace it.
His wrinkly
torso pocket and sleeves along with his double holed belt and insignia on his
cap and jacket sleeves stands out here.
Marine with the PPSh-41:
This is my favorite in this set. Simply
because his flat sailor’s cap has again the ribbon’s billowing in the wind, he
is firing as he runs into the battle – I pointed my figure’s gun upwards a
little as he tends to lean forward as sculpted.
brandishing his PPSh sub machine gun in
anger he also carries a spare ammo mag for his “Pe pe sha” on his belt (Pe-Pe-Sha
from its three-letter prefix and Papasha
Russian meaning daddy). He also carries
a canteen covered by cloth, a grenade pouch and that large bag again which I think
is a gas mask bag.
I really liked the use of his flared trousers and traditional "beskozirka"
peakless sailor’s cap on this figure – his face is excellently sculpted as
Well there
you have it – from the box art to the sculptor they have done outstanding work.
The only thing I could think of to make this set better would be decals for the
patches and insignia. These can be sourced however but a deft painting on the
raised details could make just as good a figure. Here they are all put
And here they are matched in with some of the other sets and the opposing Germans
which are of course sold in other sets.
This is the best figure set I have seen in injection moulded plastic (so far- only a month to go) this year.
In ease of construction, body language, accessories and sculpt quality they are
top of the top shelf and give resin figures in the same scale a run for their money.
Hats or "beskozirka" - off to you MasterBox!
Adam Norenberg
These kits
are now available from MasterBox’s Distributors worldwide