Wagon, A Visual History of the U.S. Army’s Heavy Tank Transporter 1941-1955.
Authors: David Doyle and Pat
11 x 8.5 landscape format.
Color soft cover.
One hundred twenty interior pages
composed of 112 black and white pages and 8 pages of color.
ISBN: 978-0-9895547-0-1.

Ampersand Publishing’s well-known Visual History Series title on the Dragon Wagon is now back in print and revised! The original title has been reorganized and improved with new introductions, new photos and an eight-page color section. The revised title is now 120 pages in length and contains over 40 new photos including 13 color images.

Coverage includes all aspects of the M25, M26, M15, M15A2 and M15E1. In addition to plentiful action and field photos, interior photos, engine photos, schematics and technical manual images round out this exquisitely detailed visual history.
High Speed Tractor, A Visual History of
the U.S. Army’s Tracked Artillery Prime Movers.
Author: David Doyle.
11 x 8.5 landscape format.
Color soft cover.
One hundred twenty black and white
interior pages.
ISBN: 0-9773781-0-1.

Publishing’s well-known Visual History Series title on the High Speed Tractor
is now back in print and revised! The original title has been improved with new
photos and an additional eight pages of material.
The revised title is now 120
pages in length and contains 20 new photographs. Coverage includes all aspects
of the M2, M4, M5, M6 and M8 High Speed Tractors. In addition to plentiful
action and field photos, interior photos, engine photos and factory images
round out this exquisitely detailed visual history.
MMiR 59 TOC:

The M48 Patton, a primer, Part One: The early tanks.
introduction to the wild and wacky world of 3D printing and how it applies to
War Pig: Creating a U.S.
Special Forces LMTV with help from Pro Art Models.
Type 94
Times Two:
A nicely matched set of the Japanese cargo trucks from the folks at Fine Molds.
The Resicast Churchill ARK Mk. II Italian Pattern conversion.
Guntank! The JGSDF’s answer to
the Gepard.
On the
CUCV edge:
A bevy of trucks from Miniman Factory.
The Meng Minenraumer.
Separating the Wheat from the Chaffee: Building Bronco’s new U.S. M-24 ETO edition.
these new publications that will be out very soon and you can pre-order them
very soon from the Ampersand Website along with their other
great books.