In today’s news we take a look at PEKO Publishing’s latest
pictorial on the KV tanks of the Soviet Union on the battlefields of WWII
World War Two
Photobook Series Vol. 5
by Neil Stokes
Series: World War Two
Hardcover: 128 pages
Publisher: PeKo
Publishing; Bilingual edition English/ Hungarian

This – the latest dual language title from Peko Publishing
features the KV I and II tanks of the Soviet Red Army during WWII. This - a new
Soviet/Russian type is added to PeKo Publishing’s photo-monograph series. This
time we can get to know the KV tanks’ history and its types. We show the tank’s
development with 121 large, high quality, mostly unpublished photographs. Until
we get it to review we have some nice pictures of what to expect in Neil Stokes
latest book…
This new title from Peko Publishing will be
available around the 20th of March.