Need new gun decks for your G-6? No this aint no rap song
this is serious – the narrow eyes of your new revel kit can now be corrected.
Messerschmitt Bf 109
'Gun Decks' set (late & early)
Kit no AC32028C
2 parts of grey resin
1/32nd scale
For the Revell kit
Available from A2Zee
models directly for £6.00
At first when the new 1/32nd scale Bf-109G6 from
Revell was released it was lauded by some as the best ever – then – through the
haze of fawning came the other side – the detractors.

Above the real deal - Below the revell on the left - A2Zee on the right
All of a sudden the “warts” on the nose were too small and
the props were wrong – all the usual suspects – the one thing that I did notice
was that the guns in the nose were
positioned too close together.
A2Zee resin on top - kit underneath - softer but also more subtle detail on the resin - it depends on your preference as to which you would prefer.. Notice the holes for the "warts" to fit into
A2Zee models have rectified that with a simple and easy set
of two resin replacement nose panels to fix the problem and bravo I say - if
this works then I am out of a jam.
Undersides are similar - the kit is on the top and the resin part under that - both hold onto the machine guns supplied in the kit
This set consists of two resin replacement gun decks to
replace the ones supplied in the kit. As the kit offers two variants - late and
early ‘109’s there are two replacements in this set. A2Zee also offers a full
correction set for this kit which is dirt cheap and well done – it fixes all of
the other problems the rivet counters have thoughtfully flagged for us, and
this set is designed to work with or without this set.
As you can see by the comparison there is a little more of a realistic gap between the guns - only a few millimeters in it but it does give you just that little bit more. It is easy to install - almost a drop in replacement - and cheap - it cost £6 to replace this prominent part.
A bit of a no brainer really - and if you do get this from A2Zee i would get their complete correction set as well. I know several modellers who have said that it is the only set you need to fix this kit so that's good enough for me
Adam Norenberg
Thanks to A2Zee for sending this kit for us to use on our kit.