Read n' reviewed: Panzer Aces #55 Special - "Paper Panzers"
From Panzer Aces/ Accion Press
(English version)
Referenceno# PA-EN-0055
64 Pages, A-4 format
11 €
Accion Press' latest issue covers the popular modelling moment of paper panzers, what-if's, prototypes, oddities, one-offs, and other marvellous vehicles. In this particular issue, we get sixty-four pages of the magazine, with only two pages of advertisements in this issue - and those are adverts for forthcoming model shows, you get all of those extra pages that would normally be used in selling you other products as the story instead. The price of the magazine is 11€ Euro in price to counterbalance the lack of advertisements, but this unbroken structure makes the magazine flow and feels better to the reader.
There are models of five vehicles in this issue, made up, painted and weathered by some notable modelling names, some of them you may have seen being built on the social media, but not in the detail they are shown in this magazine. The break up of each article is in a short section of intro in solid text, then moving to step-by-step (SBS) guides that share the techniques, painting camouflages and weathering effects with the reader in a simple and easy to read way.
Talking of feel, the magazine is in a portrait A4 format with a matte feel on the cover. The modellers present these stories, mostly from start to finish, in nicely shot photographs and text.
The contents of this issue #55 are:
14.- E-25
26.- MAUS
34.- E-100
In the first article, we see Oscar Ebri's 35th scale Waffentrager Krupp Steyr in 35th scale. The Trumpeter kit and this build were inspired a little by Adam Wilder's build and we think that Oscar has had a similar result. I like it very much that he has shown not only the weathering and painting of the tank but also the construction process showing a lot more of the kit.
Although there are only twelve pages in this build, there is enough to show you the inside and outside of the Waffentrager in an interesting paint job and final camo scheme.

One of my favourite little tanks, the E-25 from David Perez. The trumpeter kit in 35th scale is shown in ten pages that show you less of the build and more of the masking and paint job in this instance.
The Entwicklung series vehicle is small and pretty wedge shaped which makes them a little challenging to draw interest to in my opinion, but David has made a few improvements which can be easily duplicated by anyone interested, adding a lot of interest to this kit. The paint schemes are masked in a complex manner but one made more simple to understand with the step by step coverage in the article. David illustrates his use of the In this case, the highlight of this article resides in the paint job, and all the techniques and processes which David clearly explains the hairspray technique, camouflages applied with masking, paint chips, dirt & splashes on the tank in a good article.

From one extreme to another next - with the mighty Maus by Kreangkrai Paojinda. He takes the older Dragon kit in 35th scale (massive) in his smaller article. Unfortunately, he barely pauses to talk about the kit or the construction before we see the vehicle nearly finished or in advanced the stages. You do see some amazing work and some of the final steps in weathering and finishing the kit and the amazing work with the cloth on the side of the tank.
Next, we see the 35th scale E-100 tank from Trumpeter with two different turrets - The standard "Rinaldi" turret as I am going to call it, and the Krupp turret made by the resin company Cammet.
The model, made by José Brito is shown with both turrets in the construction process. The kit then goes on to feature the Krupp Turret after that/ More can be said of this article, as it is a lot more inclusive of all of the model's processes this time with a build from start to finish, prom resin and construction work, scratch building, to undercoat, painting scratching and damaging the kit to weathering. The conception, making and painting then decoration of the diorama is really well done in this build - It is my favourite in this magazine and that is a tall order with the high quality of kits inside these pages.

Next, we see the second in the series of Waffentragers in this magazine - the Ardelt made version is made in 35th scale by the dynamic duo of modellers Xavier Ruiz & Michel Perez. Xavier built the assembly and Michel painted, weathered and aged the kit in this article and I am not sure who had the more fun.
The scratching, the painting and the dirt, dust and general wear and tear that must have been put into this kit by the very many layers of tiny scratches and wear that has gone into this kit is really impressive. The construction is also a safe base that takes nothing away from the reality of the completed kit we see here.

This magazine covers one of my favourite modelling genres and I suppose you worked out by now I like the models inside the covers. The articles are well written and well shot, some are a little short on construction detail which always baffles me - Modellers all like different processes and there are some nuts out there who want to see things put together. So please show more of that in the future.
I really liked this issue - some great work and SBS articles - I'm impressed.
Adam Norenberg
You can get this magazine issue now at the Accion Press Website... Thanks to them for sending this magazine for us to read and review.