Sunday, February 17

Masterbox' new kits of March-April 2019 - Two more in the "Heist Series"

Masterbox HQ is a crime scene this month, with two new releases that flesh out a bank robbery and police shoot out with innocents also in the picture. See what Masterbox has for us next month in our preview...

Masterbox' new kits of March-April 2019 - Two more in the "Heist Series"

These two new kits from Masterbox continue and expand on the series of 1/24 scale figures for models in popular car model scales produced by a number of companies, while at the same time, these dynamic sculpts open up a vastly new storyline – the Heist  - the bank robbery and the people caught up on both sides. This new series consists of 3 kits and information about this is placed on the rear side of the boxes of the models, they are:

- #24064 “The Heist series, Kit №1. Shots fired – Officer needs assistance, civilian casualties reported, Request back-up ASAP!!! Sgt Jack Melgoza and Patrolman Sally Taylor”,

- #24065 “The Heist series, Kit №2. Billy, it's getting too hot, grab the money and let's get out of here!!! The Johnson brothers (Bobby and Billy)”
- #24066 “The Heist series, Kit №3: Caught in the cross-fire. Sarah Woods”.  

“The Heist series, Kit №2. Billy, it's getting too hot, grab the money and let's get out of here!!! The Johnson brothers (Bobby and Billy)”
1/24th scale 
The kit contains parts for the assembly of two figures of brothers-heisters who were delayed while robbing the bank, with money in the bag which fell across the road. The police arrive,  and engaged the boys in a deadly gunfight. 

CAD images of the figures...
Masterbox gives both of these figures a name in the kit, and they animate the sculpts in such a way that the drama of the scene is conveyed to the onlooker. Hopefully, both of these figures come out as well in the final sculpts...

“The Heist series, Kit №3: Caught in the cross-fire. Sarah Woods” 
1/24th scale 
The kit contains parts for the assembly of one figure of the girl who was caught up in the middle of the shootout between the police and heisters. Caught in the crossfire she has been hit by the shots and is severely wounded. This figure gives additional powerful emotion to the whole series and makes the story of the whole series especially dramatic. The figure of the girl, as well as all figures of this series, is animated and filled with the high emotion of the scene of a bank heist and shootout.
The impact of the bullet that hit Sarah's shoulder can be seen in the CAD drawing of the sculpt as she rests on the ground. The fact that she is a young person that has been needlessly hurt conveys always a sense of urgency.
You can see more about these and the other kits from Masterbox on their recently very nicely revamped website...