Upgrades for a MiniArt Kit - Coming Soon:
German Tank Crew Kharkov 1943.
From MiniArt
This kit includes 4 resin heads
Kit No #35354
1/35th scale
MiniArt continues to upgrade their older kits with new resin heads to improve one of the areas that they have pinpointed that they can improve in. This is a good indicator of how they want to progress in their releases. A knock has long been on their figures when it comes to the heads, so we thought we would take a look at these and compare them with the base kit (now discontinued) to see if the improvement is worth the cost and effort.This single end opening box contains models of four figures, complete with resin reads, infantry weapons and equipment.
Contents of this kit:
The four new heads included on a resin stub with this kit. Very strong looking faces with square features, similar but not the same. These are designed to be a direct replacement for the plastic parts.

The four plastic figures a lot of you will be well familiar with, these include the original faces, but we are sure you would opt for the resin replacements in this case as they look a fair bit better than the ones on offer here...
This kit includes the soldier's equipment on what could be called the standard MiniArt German equipment sprue. M43 helmets, bread bags, bayonets, entrenching tools, gas masks, food flasks, water bottles are all on this sprue and a few more also...

The second sprue of equipment includes map packs, Kar.98 rifles, Mp40' machine pistols and ammunition pouches for both along with bayonets, a pistol in and out of its pouch (+ a flare pistols), lots of weapons you can use or leave at the scene.

Before we move on a picture of the original donor (now discontinued but still available) kit - the head choices being our main focus. They are OK, but when you compare them to the new resin faces (I have placed them below again for comparison) you will notice they are not as sharply or finely detailed as the new heads are...

The new heads below

A look at the figures with the new heads, you can see here the difference between the figures with and without the new heads.

For more on this kit and all of MiniArt's releases check out their Website for more info...
MiniArt's kits available in September 2020