Monday, March 13

PeKo's new WW2 photobook Vol. 24 - Sturmgeschütz-Abt.226 - On the Battlefield...

PeKo Publishing has another in their series of "On the Battlefield" series for release next month. We have images & content of Volume #24 featuring the men &  machines of Sturmgeschütz-Abt.226 during WWII in our preview...

PeKo's new WW2 photobook Vol. 24 - Sturmgeschütz-Abt.226 - On the Battlefield... 

WW2 photobook series Vol. 24 – Sturmgeschütz-Abt.226 on the battlefield
Author Tom Cockle
From PeKo Publishing
Hardcover Binding
140 Pages
Hungarian-English language
ISBN: 9786155583971
Price €28.95  €25 (A cheaper pre-order price)
Available on: 18/04/2023
PeKo Publishing has already sent out to print their 24th book of their "On the Battlefield series of books. These show previously unavailable or mostly unpublished photos of machines or war during WWII from all theatres (well, mostly Europe). 
This volume is called "WW2 photobook series Vol. 24 - Sturmgeschütz-Abt.226 on the battlefield"  and it presents the reader with a collection of photographs of Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 226 from its early training at the Old Camp at the Jüterbog Truppenübungsplatz in the spring of 1941 through to combat operations during the winter of early 1943. 
The hardcover, landscape formatted book’s brief introduction is followed by more than 130 mainly unpublished photographs, published in the highest possible quality. Both the introduction and the captions are bilingual (English / Hungarian).

Some more of the book's pages for you...
This book is coming in April. 
Price €28.95 €25.00 (available for a short time at cheaper pre-order price)
You can find out more about this, and PeKo's other publications on their website...