Recently the modelling world was divided – Up until last year the best 1/32 scale Mustang had been solely in the realm of Tamiya – but Zoukei-Mura
have stepped up to the challenge with maybe an even more detailed and complete kit with their P-51D offering. Since then there has been not much said or shown of this kit - but Valiant Wings now
offer the complete guide book to making this plane just like a professional – and we
look at this new book in our review today.
Airframe Constructor No.1: Building the North American P-51D Mustang – A Detailed Guide to building the Zoukei-Mura 1/32nd kit.
Written by: Daniel Zamarbide.
Publisher: Valiant Wings
64 pages.
English text.
B&W + colour photos + colour profiles.
Available from: Valliant Wings' Website directly
for £11.95 + P&P
Recently Valiant Wings
has revealed a new book in their Airframe
& Miniature series: The North American P-51 Early Mustang – with
the focus on the early marque Mustangs for those modellers out there who like
the framed canopy on their fighter aircraft – but the Merlin powered bubble canopy P-51D is the dream of a lot of
modellers – and until last year there were several unfulfilling choices of
models of this aircraft in 32nd scale.
Things changed when Tamiya and Zoukei-Mura entered the fray
with their large scale models of this aircraft. They are both excellent kits
and both are pretty much an even toss-up between the quality of each kit. The
maker usually decides the modeller’s purchase I have found. Some people simply liking
one or the other kit because of who manufactures it. ...Unfair I know but that is
Brett Green has made an excellent book on the Tamiya
offering with the help of several contributors and this is a great little
guide. What we needed was a book in the same vein (or better?) that covered the ZM kit – and now we have it.
Valiant Wings have
made some pretty good books so far in their short career – we have reviewed a
bunch of them here and I am a hard marker for their product as they themselves
have set the bar pretty high. Would a book on a single subject be as good as their
other kits of recent past? Let’s have a look..
Physically the book comes in a portrait format in a real
glossy and tough hardcover which looks and feels just great. There are sixty-four
pages full of well-shot, well lit and in perfect focus photographs of the kit
being made from the author and some archivals of the originals in the field thru
the plane’s history. All of these are pretty relevant and the walk around
pictures are great to have as well.
The book is broken into a decent introduction of the type in
the preface. There are several pictures of the aircraft in action from the war
years onward and even a Reno racer to add spice to the mix. But what we really
want to see here is the kit! Well that is next..
The author of this book and maker of the beautiful kit
showcased here is Daniel Zamarbide.
He is a regular contributor to the Model Airplane International Magazine on
most months so he knows how to write and has a great quality about his builds.
His writing is simple and easy to follow and I never got caught up thinking
about the words he was writing – but more on the kit and what was being
portrayed in the pictures.
The author talks about Zoukei Mura’s kit a little before he
takes us through a written account over the next four pages. Knowing what is
ahead though I cannot help skip to it. Maybe it would have been better to
integrate the text into the next portion a little? Maybe it would break up the flow of the picture part of the build who knows. I don't publish books so i am not the expert.
Dani then takes us through a step by step (and I mean each
step individually) walkthrough of how he makes and paints this model. Most of
the work that can be said is unique is the painting and finishing, and this
takes up a majority of this section. The skeletal structure of the wings and
gun bays, then the engine, the cockpit and fuselage assembly then the tail, weapons
and details like the props canopy and drop tanks are all shown in great pictures
and accompanying captions underneath each one.
Apart from some scratch building to areas like the drop
tanks and the use of Barracuda Studio Mustang wheels the kit is stock, I suppose
keeping with the book’s ethos of using the ZM kit.
The choice of the Guatemalan Mustang is surely an interesting
one for a lot of modellers. It certainly is not a well-known scheme and I suppose
in the usual ethos of modellers wanting to do something different Dani chose
this one. Well done on that - but what
about a natural metal finish bird that will be over half of the people
modelling this kits choice? Maybe the strength of an individual choice in this case is a strength AND a weakness? We think it is a strength all be told.
Well Dani takes you through a detailed showing of how he
paints up a (admittedly a P-51 B/C) NMF mustang. He shows you how to get the
best out of this difficult to master finish. I can say I learnt a heap from
this – it is one of, if not the best detailed process of building of a kit out there.
Dani is not the only talented person featured in this book
however - Richard Caruana, the talented aircraft illustrator drops in here in
this tittle as well as he lends his hand to the twenty five Mustang profiles over five pages in this book. The surprising
thing is that the profiles do NOT cover mainly USAAF aircraft (only 5) from the
Second World War – ohh no – they feature just about every other scheme EXCEPT the
ones you have probably seen already many times. This book is not afraid to
delve into less familiar waters with it’s choices. The artwork here is of
course top shelf like most of Richard’s work and the scope of choice is
magnificent. These profiles serve as excellent inspiration for your coming
The book takes us through several pages of walk around
pictures of a restored and pretty much original Mustang along with diagrams
from the pilot’s manual to better show you the slight details of the aircraft
and to me further enforce the talent of the model builder featured here.
In typical Valiant Wings being fashion there is a complete list
of 1/32 decal sheets that could be used on this kit along with some pictures of
decals. There is also a page of the figure and aftermarket accessories that ZM
are selling with this kit to top it off. This is a great help and serves my inspiration
even better to know there is that much choice out there.
One thing I think is missing from this book is a full New Metal Finish (NMF) full build of a WWII kit. Yes boring I know – but that is what a lot of people (no most people) will be wanting to build I would bet. The inclusion of a post war
plane is an inspired choice, but I would sacrifice some of the other parts of
the book to include another build in there. I suppose
I am wishing for more than this book promises. Maybe there will be a future
issue in this series with the Tamiya kit to even things out? Maybe as well that kit has been covered already with the book by Mr. Green?Having said all of that it is good to see
someone give this kit from ZM some “love” - It certainly deserves as much attention as
it’s brother from Tamiya.
Owww did we mention the price? Pretty inexpensive for a book with this much work in it.
What this book IS though, is THE most complete and comprehensive
and helpful build of a Zoukei Mura P-51D mustang I have ever seen. The build is
enviable and the coverage is comprehensive. The book will help any modeller out
there I think no matter what aircraft they are making, as the inspiration from this book to build my own kit is the main thing I took out
of it.
I am off to go build something!
Adam Norenberg
Valiant Wings will be
attending Scale Modelworld 2013
(November). Keep looking in here or on their website for more on their great books