Released from Today is the new Peko Publishing book – the fourth in their "World
War Two Photobook Series” and their second look at the Sturmgeschütz III and
Sturmhaubitze 42 in German service. We thought you would like t see some
preview pages…
Sturmgeschütz III on the Battlefield 2

PeKo Publishing
Author: Mátyas
ISBN: 978-96-389623-3-1
No of Photos: 103
No of Pages: 112
Binding: Hardcover
Language: dual Hungarian/English
The fourth book of their "World War Two Photobook
Series" is just released. As
before, the "Sturmgeschütz III on the battlefield 2" showing excellent
photographic coverage of the German Sturmgeschütz III and
Sturmhaubitze 42 in German assault guns on all fronts throughout World War 2. The
book contains more than hundred good quality pictures (one picture per page)
with dual Hungarian/English foreword and text on each page.