With all the what if?
Schemes released and modellers lapping it up why not extend the party –
well in our imaginations anyway it all sounds nice – as long as combatants are
like this lady panzer commander….

Aurora New March 2014 figure
1/20 Scale, 91 mm
high, 6 Parts
Material; Metal
(Contains lead)
Figure kit, Made in Japan
Price US$40
This figure is sculpted in six parts of white metal by the
men from the aurora site – they sure know what people seem to like – and this
lady Panzer commander in 1/20th scale should shift a few units!
Wearing a map pack on here left hip and a short panzer
blouse filled out in the way none of her male comrades could this lady also has
a short skit! Something not conceivable in real life but in the “What if?” and
Girls und Panzer world totally desirable.
The csculpt needs only to be painted and assembled and you have
something to put beside your super heavr Maus tank or other ‘46/47 paper
project. She is available now for 40$ US from the Aurora site.
This figure is now available to purchase directly from the Aurora site… (They
send all figures by free postage worldwide.)