Mantis Miniatures has five new products - all made from light grey resin in 1/35th scale, they will fit a great variety of scenes and dioramas. Animals are an important part of nature and therefore any dioramas set in the wild, for that reason we like the inclusion of these, always of a great quality from Mantis. We will look at them all now in our preview...
Mantis are leaders of the pack - no kidding! Five new products from Mantis Miniatures
Animals Set 37
1/35th Scale
Kit No# 35138
price 16 €
Scale Sculpted by P. Szymczyk / Painted by A. Miniszewski
These two wolves (and a sheep for dinner) come as a set of three resin casts in 1/35th scale. The wolves are in two different poses, one howling while the other is looking and what looks like sniffing - maybe they have just come across this dead sheep, or maybe they have been the killers who knows. All three could be used in their own scenes if you prefer but this is a handy set.
Animals Set 38
1/35 Scale
Kit No# 35139
price 16 €
Sculpted by P. Szymczyk / Painted by A. Miniszewski
Thi asset of two goats in 35th scale are a simple set depicting a mother or "nanny" goat and the young "kid" together, probably somewhere on a hill or mountainside you would think. The kid is seen looking slightly upwards, while the mother stands solidly on a base of a log which is cast to support her when standing if you so desired.
Animals Set 39
1/35th Scale
Kit No# 35140
price 16 €
Scale Sculpted by P. Szymczyk / Painted by A. Miniszewski
These two adult goats are both sculpted in 1/35th scale and they depict a nanny and a "buck" or "billy (male) goat. The Billy looks to be from a cold climate with his long-haired coat, he could be from anywhere in Europe to the semi arctic climate - even in Asia or the mountain regions anywhere in the world.
Animals Set 40
1/35th Scale
Kit No# 35141
price 30 €
Sculpted by P. Szymczyk / Painted by A. Miniszewski
This set of four goats comes as a combination of both of the two other sets released this month. On billy, two nannies and a kid are sold together for a slightly cheaper price.
Animal Paw Print Stamps
1/35th Scale
Kit No# MAC25
price 16 €
To set off the animals that we have seen in many sets from Mantis and others, they have developed 3D prints of just that - prints - eight different sizes for animals are included here, Shoe'd and unshoed horses, goats, large, middle and small dogs, pigs and cats are included in this set. Even if your animals are not in the scene their tracks could well be!

These are available now from Mantis Miniatures, they will be from their Distributors Worldwide...