Saturday, July 31

Preview: Shipborne Sci-fi Submarine Ship "Suisei" from Suyata...

Suyata has gone further into sci-fi with this, their new 1/48th scale Shipborne Bomber "Suisei" "Space Submarine Vehicle". In the same universe as their starship range of space vehicles, this is a much smaller vehicle, but in a larger scale. We take a look in our preview...

Preview: Shipborne Sci-fi Suisei from Suyata...

Suisei - Shipborne Bomber
From Suyata
Kit No #SRK005
1/48th scale
Released in august
Suyata has gone further into the future and sci-fi with this, their new 1/48th scale Shipborne Bomber "Suisei" "Space Submarine Vehicle". This fits into the same universe as their starship range of space vehicles, this is a much smaller vehicle, but in a larger scale.
The space dive bomber "Suisei" is used to attack enemy space warships. The aircraft can take off from either Aerial battleships or space bases. 
The "Suisei’s" main weapons are two anti-ship missiles, which are housed in the weapons bay.
 The”Suisei” has variable swept back wings. Her is the general look of the ship from three angles showing off the features of the craft and the sharp angles of the ship...
It is a two-seater dive bomber. It is crewed by a pilot and a weapons operator who come with the kit...
You can find out more about this kit and the others in the range from the Suyata Facebook Page