Preive: Das Werk's new 35th scale Brückenlegepanzer M48 A2 AVLB Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge
Brückenlegepanzer M48 A2 AVLB Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge
From: Das Werk
Item Number: DW35025
1/35th scale
4 Bundeswehr & 1 Belgian Army decal options included in the box
The Subject: Brückenlegepanzer M48 A2 AVLB Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge
The "Brückenleger M48" was the standard bridge laying tank of the Bundeswehr, originally made in the USA before being phased out in the 1970s for the "Biber".
The base was the armoured hull of the M48 with six road wheels and a rubber-padded steel track. The two fuel tanks together held around 1300 litres of gasoline. The vehicle was equipped with a 250 cm³ auxiliary engine for battery charging and heating. A plate covered the opening of the original turret and cupolas were attached to the left and right for the driver and the commander.
The M48 Brückenleger was the heaviest and the only vehicle of the Bundeswehr that could only be driven with a class F4 driving license.
The almost 20m long folding bridge was laid or picked up with a total of four hydraulic cylinders. One after the other, the erecting cylinder and the laying cylinder as well as the folding cylinder of the bridge were actuated parallel for laying the bridge (or picking up and folding in).
The bridge could be laid up to 19% up and down and with a cross slope of up to 8%. For rail transport and also for transport on the low-loader trailer (15 t), the bridge could be stored completely folded. The crossing speed over the bridge was about 4 km/h, but up to 20 km/h was possible in practice.
Technical Data:
Length: 8,19m (with bridge 11.23m)
Width: 3.66m (with bridge 4.01m)
Height: 3.05m (with bridge 4.04m)
Weight; 44t (with bridge 58t)
Engine: Continental AV-1790-5B
Displacement: 33490cm³
Engine rating: 821 PS
Maximum speed: 51.5km/h
Fuel consumption: 500-700l/100km
Range: 463km maximum
Track width: 71cm
Ground clearance: 400 mm
Wading depth: 120cm
Gradeability: 60%
Trench width: 260cm
Obstacle height: 91.4cm
Bridge length: 19.2m
Bridge span: 18.3m
Bridge width: 4m
Bridge load capacity: MLC60
The new kit from Das Werk:
The new Das Werk kit has been a collaboration with a well-known manufacturer (we guess Takom), but this kit promises a new edition with new parts to make this M48 A2 AVLB.
All specific German Army details represented, the bridge can be built in any position, belt type tracks are included
Specific Improvements & Changes in this kit:
-The hull and the engine deck of the M48A2 are used.
-A new laying boom (early version) was constructed.
-All Bundeswehr-specific parts, such as the Leitkreuz, parts of the lighting system, indicators, rear-view mirrors, cupolas for the crew were newly designed.
- The early T97E2 chains tracks are included.
Marking Options & Colour Profiles
Four Bundeswehr and one Belgian Army decal option, these options are included:
Specific Improvements & Changes in this kit:
-The hull and the engine deck of the M48A2 are used.
-A new laying boom (early version) was constructed.
-All Bundeswehr-specific parts, such as the Leitkreuz, parts of the lighting system, indicators, rear-view mirrors, cupolas for the crew were newly designed.
- The early T97E2 chains tracks are included.
Marking Options & Colour Profiles
Four Bundeswehr and one Belgian Army decal option, these options are included:
Bundeswehr, Panzerpionierkompanie 160, Elmenhorst, late 1980s
Bundeswehr, Panzerpionierkompanie 240, Mitterharthausen, 1987
Bundeswehr, Panzerpionierkompanie 220, „Kecker Spatz 87“, Schwäbische Alb, 1987
Bundeswehr, Panzerpionierkompanie 550, Hammelburg, 1970s
Belgian Army, 6 Geniebataljon, Dellbrück, Kwartier, Beaquevort, late 1980s
You can find out more information on this kit, or where to pre-order it from on the Das Werk Website