Preview: Takom's new 35th scale "Ersatz" M7
"Ersatz" M7
From Takom
1/35th scale
Kit No # 8007
four marking choices are included in the box
Link & length tracks included
Product Link on the Takom Website

The intended "victim" of the scam that this Stug was imitating, the 105mm gunned M7 Priest
The attempt, seen after capture...
Another view of this, nice try guys...
There are a few things we know about the kit, the tracks are the usual takom tracks made with link and length method. All hatches can be opened or closed but there is no interior. There is just one marking choice from AMMO included in the box.
That is all we know about this release for now. You can see more about Takom's kits on their website or on their Facebook page
The Subject: The "Ersatz" M7 and Skorzeny's commandos
In preparation for the Ardennes offensive, Hitler had given Otto Skorzeny and his commandos the task of infiltrating American positions to create as much general havoc behind enemy lines as possible and capture key bridges. Skorzeny, who had shot to fame due to the successful rescue of Benito Mussolini in September 1943, conceived a daring two-part plan.
The first part required special English-speaking troops to infiltrate enemy lines and create chaos, while the second required Panzer Brigade 150 to capture and hold the critical bridges that were so vital to the success of the offensive.
A vital part of any success Panzer Brigade 150 would enjoy would be its equipment, all American in origin. However, upon inspection, Skorzeny was less than impressed. In the collection sent to him, there were no operational armoured vehicles other than a few armoured cars and no tanks whatsoever.
To beef up the numbers, Skorzeny was able to acquire five Panthers tanks and StuG III G assault guns. Orders were given to disguise the Panthers to resemble the American M10 tank destroyer while the StuG III Gs were intended to look like the M7 Priest. All of the vehicles were painted green and given large white stars to complete the illusion. While the vehicles were far from convincing, at least Skorzeny now had the numbers he required to secure a route to the Meuse.
Of course, as history shows, the plan did not work...
The kit from Takom: 1/35th scale "Ersatz" M7
We just have the box art to work off so far, but it is another gap in that unique armour bracket that German (and US theme lovers) will lap up we think!
That is all we know about this release for now. You can see more about Takom's kits on their website or on their Facebook page